The Ones We’re Meant to Find
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GIVEAWAY! My thoughts: This book was everything I was waiting for! Science-fiction is one of my favourite genres and when the writing is as good as Joan He's, it makes you feel powerful emotions and makes you think about the world created in it for days and days afterwards. The Ones We're meant to Find has multiple twists and while I am dying to tell you how brilliant the plot is, I don't want to spoil your reading pleasure. Straight from the beginning we are thrown into a mystery. We meet Celia who is stranded on an island, lost her colour vision and most of her memories and is desperately trying to find her sister Kay. Then the story switches to Kasey and her life in this futuristic dystopian world and we get a new set of elements that might seem confusing at the beginning, but will all come together into a mesmerising overall picture. Joan He's use of different forms of narrative (first person for Celia, third for her sister Kaycey) was absolutely brilliant. The characters are so well-differentiated and unique and you are compelled to read on to understand their personalities and their motivations. Both sisters are flawed in their own ways and you might relate more to one or the other,or more likely than not, you will relate to both of them at different points. The intensity of the bond between them and their love for each other is undeniable and will break your heart. Whatever expectations you have,the book is going to surprise you. I loved the steady pace and this feeling of being on the verge of figuring it all out. Of course, you learn more or get another mind-blowing twist which shifts your perspective. It is one of the most engaging and emotional stories I've read this year. Everything in it including the futuristic world with its environmental disasters that is paying consequences for our actions in the present, the characters, the plot- all of it was so well-written that the book definitely went beyond my expectations and I can't recommend it high enough. Can't wait to read what Joan He writes next! Thank you to Giselle from Xpresso Book Tours, NetGalley and Roaring Books for the review copy provided in exchange for an honest opinion. Comments are closed.
July 2024