From the blurb: In this stunning YA fantasy debut, first in a duology, Lizz Huerta introduces us to a fantastical version of an ancient Mesoamerican world and a lineage of women seers defiantly resisting the shifting patriarchal state that would see them destroyed.Indir is a Dreamer, able to enter the Dreaming and see beyond reality. But when a new king takes the throne, he plans to end the time-honored tradition of Dreamers—and he’ll have the opportunity if he discovers the two secrets Indir keeps. Saya is a seer without training. Her mother exploits Saya’s talent, passing it off as her own. When Saya discovers she has more gifts, she begins to suspect that her life is a carefully-constructed lie. She will risk it all in search of answers. With a detailed, supernaturally-charged setting and topical themes of patriarchal power, female strength, and the horrors of family separation, The Lost Dreamer brings an ancient world to life, mirroring the challenges of our modern one. Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR) Publication Date: March 1st, 2022 384 pages Purchase tMy thoughts: Delicate, dream-like, powerful, full of songs and stories- one of a kind! When the blurb promises you stunning, it doesn't lie- the Lost Dreamer is as beautiful as it is unique in the genre of YA Fantasy which is rapidly becoming overcrowded with strong, 'sassy' heroines and battle magic. The two narrators of this gorgeous epic, inspired by Mesoamerican tradition are Indir and Saya. Both have to undertake a journey - both a physical journey and that of self-discovery and sacrifice in order to save their world which is about to succumb to chaos. Indir's mother, her aunts and her sisters are all Dreamers- women who enter and communicate with a special magical realm (think a parallel world full of spirits) called the Dream. The temple is the only life Indir has ever known. She is asked by the dying king to keep the last dream she entered on his behalf secret. Now the old king's heir, sent away to enemy tribe to cement peace talks, arrives in their secret city and is threatening the traditions and the whole tapestry of their society, the Dream itself. Indir must flee her secret city and face the wider world she knows so little about in order to find the legendary Lost Dreamer Kind and selfless Saya is used to being controlled and punished for a slightest mistake by her mother Celay. Their life is harsh and they are always on the move to escape an unknown and unmentioned threat. The only safe place for Saya is,,, the Dream which she can enter and where she used to roam and play as a child. Changes are coming into her life too. Saya's mother has been passing Saya's gift to Dream as her own and has been profiting from it. Now it's time for Saya to discover the freedom of making her own choices. To tell you more is to give away the plot which deserves being discovered step by step, chapter by chapter, image by image. The worldbuilding is gorgeous and so well-thought-through. Among different kinds of gifts that belong to these people are shapeshifting, wielding Fire and using Songs for healing and as a means of connection to all the living world. The Dreamers themselves are also different- Indir dreams in truths, while her sister sees possibilities. Liz Huerta creates a beautiful, magical world with stunning, rich imagery. Indir and Saya are both young and inexperienced. They have been leading 'protected' lives and both of them need strength and courage to face the changes. Indir's strength comes from her family and their love, while Saya is much more curious and trusting- she isn't following any script or any tradition, just her instincts and what she perceives to be true, she is writing her own story. Fabulous debut from Lizz Huerta! Can't wait to read her next book! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the review copy provided in exchange for an hoest opinion. Lizz Huerta is a widely-admired Mexi-Rican short story writer and essayist, published in Lightspeed, The Cut, The Portland Review, The Rumpus, Miami Rail, and more. Her short story, “The Wall,” is included in the anthology A People’s Future of the United States. Huerta has also been a 2018 Bread Loaf Fellow, a five-time VONA Fellow, and the winner of the LUMINA fiction contest, selected by Roxane Gay, who called her writing “a menacing inescapable seduction.” She has appeared on CSPAN’s BookTV to discuss the erasure of Mexican American Studies in Arizona, and has taught creative writing to homeless youth through San Diego nonprofit So Say We All. Twitter @lizzhuerta
![]() Crossroads
-- EXCERPT: What did it mean to dream about the same place? While contemplating that question, I tried to find an opening through the field. Grabbing handfuls of grass, I pushed and pulled every which way. No matter how much I yanked, the vast wall of swaying grasses remained. Feeling defeated, I thought I would try one last time. Then he appeared. “Don’t you ever give up?” he said in the most hypnotic voice. His lips twitched, amused by my efforts. “Umm …” Stunned to see someone looking at me, I stared at the most perfect, glorious face, and I couldn’t take my eyes off him. As his gaze continued to pierce mine, he stepped in my direction. Having no other choice, I retreated. He was intimidating, and his authority made me willingly compliant. My heart pounded mercilessly as I wondered what that guy could be doing here. He certainly fit the description of how I had envisioned the man of my dreams: six feet tall, dark hair, and warm, inviting brown eyes. He was lean but extraordinarily muscular, and his skin appeared to be made of satin. My face warmed as I admired his body. I wondered if he could read my unclean thoughts or hear my heart racing. Time seemed to stop as we stared into each other’s eyes—no need for words, just alone in each other’s company. The tension broke when he spoke. “What are you doing here? Do you want to be sent back like before?” Hearing his velvety voice again sent pleasant tingles to my core. But send me back like before? Then it dawned on me. It was his voice I had heard in my last dream. Although I felt frustrated and angered by his comments, I tried to stay calm and see where the dream would take me. “First of all, who are you?” I tried to sound composed. “And what are you doing in my dream?” “Your dream? You think this is a dream? Think again.” ![]()
GIVEAWAY! ![]() The Urban Boys: Discovery of the Five Senses
Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo / Google Play -- EXCERPT: AS ONE WOULD IMAGINE, a mysterious forest might offer deep, eerie chills, especially at night. Instead, the forest cast a rich glow, and the environment was beautiful and serene. Walking slowly with their eyes absolutely feasting on the horticultural delights, the boys were approached by something they weren’t sure was real. It floated effortlessly, lighting up in a sporadic pattern, but had neither sound nor discernible shape, other than being somewhat clear and round. Its fluttering wings suspended it in the center of their disbelieving huddle. All eyes were on it, but what it was provoked more mystery than the forest itself. It bounced in a cheery, beckoning fashion, flashing its stunning wings, drawing the boys into a never-ending waltz. They were transfixed, unable to glance at each other, prevented by the daze each silently battled. The little glowing being carried about, moving closer to their faces. It moved in and out of trees, spewing sparkle and splendor, then floated away from the boys, yet stayed close enough to continue the enticement. Contributing to the amazing glow ricocheting from sprawling fronds to soaring trees and fallen leaves, the being’s creativity advanced in a display of twirls and spins, astonishing the boys. And they followed their little friend further and further into the forest. Deeper ahead, the visual spectacle beautifully intertwined with the clicking noise, which grew louder and more defined, moving up the scale into high notes. The repetition of the noise mesmerized the boys, equating to an invisible lasso. The friends grouped together, looking ahead and behind. Their stomachs tightened as the tension grew. What they saw next would pale in comparison to their little, wondrous friend, who steadily bounced around several curvy pathways. The small creature led them into an area deep within the preserve housing two large, floating, clicking balls of light. The boys instinctively covered their eyes, yet still tried to peep through their fingers. The light balls began spinning wildly and grew louder, with their tops spitting out free-falling shavings of light like fireworks. The sputtering light bounced off the dirt only to end up against a tree or one of the boys, then back down and up again. Slowing down, the beings moved in between the boys. Too scared to move and struggling with reality, the boys’ eyes locked onto the radiant balls. And with a striking force, the five friends were encased by a bright, piercing light as the balls exploded, emitting their energy onto the boys. Mixing and mashing north, south, east, and west, bright waves covered the soil, spreading across trees, rock, and all plant life. The forest fell silent, frozen like an inhale without an exhale. It was dark and quiet, except for the liquid energy dripping from the huge, wavy leaves. Being subjected to drifts both in and out of reality, the boys succumbed to the lure of a vacant black space within the deepest parts of their minds. They fell to the ground unconscious, laying in this forbidden domain in the center of a place they had been warned not to approach. And from some distance toward the other side of the preserve, a draped shadow had been looking inward and saw this mysterious incident. The curve of his black hood was loose enough for him to witness the unthinkable. But it also shrouded his expression, which was impassive. This figure, a dark stranger, had been watching the boys for a period of time and saw the explosion of light. He knew it had exposed them to a grave risk in this place of both awe and fear. He realized time would now take the reins as a master guide for these stricken young men, all of whom would need hope as a rod and stamina as a spear on the long journey ahead. Knowing the veil of normalcy would need to be maintained in order for this inconceivable episode to be minimized, the Dark Stranger drew upon his strength to physically move each of the boys to Rhee’s house. He knew familiar surroundings would ease them as they roused, barely able to comprehend their predicament. For he knew much, and every step, every footprint left an indelible impression on the path leading to the studio in Rhee’s backyard. Indeed, footprints providing a window to the past meshed with hope for the future. And like a laser, the Dark Stranger steadied his gait, hurling each one up and over his powerful shoulders. As he absorbed the totality of the scene, he breathed deeply. His head hung in a manner to which only trauma could relate. But in a sign of resilience it swiftly sprung back. Under the circumstances, he knew time would not be patient nor friendly. Welcome or unwelcome. Fate had arrived. ![]()
November 2024