![]() Never Plan a Billionaire’s Wedding
Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo -- EXCERPT: Carolina was introducing him to his former fiancée. Fine. Near fiancée. It had been a promise ring, not an engagement diamond, but still. The run he’d just finished was apparently unnecessary from a cardio standpoint, since his heart was now racing, crashing into his ribs as if it were fleeing a crime scene. Not that he was the bad guy. But still. Kari. No way. It was his Kari. And okay, maybe she was never formally his fiancée, but until college and distance broke them up, they always planned on it. He’d given her a promise ring in high school, so that was close enough. When Carolina had mentioned she was meeting two wedding professionals named Katie and Carrie, he’d heard it as the more familiar spelling. She’d never spelled it out, and she hadn’t bothered to tell him Kari‘s last name. “Caleb, have you swallowed your tongue along with your manners? Shake the poor woman’s hand, for goodness sake!” Carolina crooned, giving him side-eye while managing a puzzled smile at Kari as the two stood awkwardly in front of each other, gaping. Kari had changed in some ways, for sure, but it was her, alright. Her brown hair was a darker shade but still thick and shiny, framed in soft layers around her face, brushing the edges of straight, strong shoulders. He recognized those whiskey brown eyes, deceptively sleepy unless you knew her, knew that behind them, her brain was working constantly at warp speed. She was taller now–or anyway, she didn’t wear four-inch heels back then–so instead of having to bend to kiss her lips, he could just dip his head. If he wanted to kiss her. If wanting to kiss her wasn’t the only thing he could think about. ![]()
GIVEAWAY! ![]() Take Me Home
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-- EXCERPT: Hot sweat dripped down Eli’s face. His legs, up to his hips, were heavy. His head felt like it belonged to someone who had been dragged for miles by a dozen mules and left for dead. The air was cold, but his body burned as he stared subconsciously into the darkness. A sickly smell, a cross between rusty metal and vinegar, wafted around him. He tried to remember where he was, but his recollection of events from the night before did not match the powerless state he found himself in. Although his heart was pounding heavily in his chest, to him, it felt strangely nonexistent. It was as though his body, from his waist up, belonged to someone else, and everything he’d ever known had vanished. He slipped in and out of consciousness, and just as he was starting to make sense of his surroundings, two uniformed men barged through the door and headed straight for his bed. His first instinct was to run, but the men subdued him and loaded him onto a stretcher. He woke up in a crowded hospital ward with two tiny windows and a stained ceiling. “Where am I?” he asked, surprised at the sound of his own voice. He’d been unable to speak before then. A woman muttered something in Spanish and patted his shoulder to calm him. “I need…” He started to say and moved his head frantically from side to side before a heavy hand pushed him down while the woman stuck a needle in his arm and sent him back into deep unconsciousness. ![]()
![]() Vanished
-- EXCERPT: You have a possible concussion. Even a mild one isn’t anything to play at.” “I’m not playing with anything.” Mabel gripped the metal bumper with her uninjured hand and ignored how her stomach pitched. “I’ve had migraines worse than this. If it still hurts tomorrow, I’ll get it checked out.” The EMT stepped back and peered down at her as if she were a naughty twoyear-old who just got caught raiding the cookie jar. Her eyes slid over his name badge identifying him as Buck. “I promise.” Mabel offered the most saccharine smile she could muster. “I just really need to get home.” “Can’t let you go just yet.” Sergeant Corrine Michaels, first officer on the scene, stepped out from behind the ambulance door, her dark brown hair knotted at the base of her neck. Her Black skin glistened against the glow of the streetlamps. “Why not?” Mabel couldn’t keep the frustration out of her voice. “I’ve given you my statement, and you and your partner took care of boarding up Mrs. Lancaster’s window.” She gestured to the now-wood-covered frame on the second floor. “So, tell me why …” Mabel trailed off at the sight of the all-too-familiar black SUV that pulled up to a screeching stop right in front of the ambulance. “You have got to be kidding me.” So much for keeping this low-key. Quinn wasn’t alone. In yet another surprise of the evening, the sight of Paul Flynn slamming out of the passenger side of the vehicle sent her already overwrought emotions into an out-of-control spiral. There was only one way to control that storm of emotions, and that was with forced hostility. “What are you doing here?” “Answering a damsel’s call of distress.” In the pale glow of the streetlamps, what little humor twinkling in Paul’s eyes was muted by concern. It unnerved her that her first reaction upon seeing him was relief, followed quickly by gratitude before annoyance hit dead center of her chest. Since she’d left his office, he’d earned himself a five o’clock shadow, and damn if that didn’t increase his sexiness factor. The man looked like a knight in shining armor or at least a rival for a once-upon-a-time movie hero who would have taken over not only the silver screen but the town that built them. An uncontrolled bubble of laughter climbed into her throat at the very idea. Instead of armor, Paul carried a briefcase. Normally. But not now. She wondered if it was bulletproof. She almost … almost let herself sag into him at his cautious touch. That was how long it took for his words to cut through the fog in her mind. Her spine went steel-girder stiff. “Who are you calling a damsel?” “You,” Paul countered with a quick look at Quinn. “Told you that would work.” Quinn’s grin was quick, and her annoyance grew. When did these two become friends? “How is she?” Paul asked Buck. “She is fine.” Mabel looked from Quinn to Paul, back to Quinn. Her eyes ached from glaring so hard. She might be one big walking bruise in the morning, but she could fake it until then. “She’s okay,” Buck corrected. “Glass puncture on her hand. Other abrasions and bruises. Bruised larynx, no doubt because of the choking. Possible concussion, which we’ve discussed at length.” “More like ad nauseam,” Mabel muttered, and only now did she hear how raspy her voice sounded. She touched a hand to her throat as if she could ease the roughness. “I guess I don’t have to ask how you heard.” She narrowed her gaze at Sergeant Michaels who looked far from repentant. “Quinn, it’s after seven. I need to call Keeley, and they won’t let me back upstairs to get my phone.” As anxious as she was to call her daughter, the idea of going back up and into that room left her nauseated. Quinn handed over his cell, and Mabel gripped it as if it were a lifeline. “Thanks for the head’s up, Corrine.” ‘Following orders,” the officer assured him. “You want a rundown of events, Detective?” “Yes, thanks.” Quinn touched a hand to Mabel’s shoulder. “You really okay?” “Yep.” A little freaked out. More than a tad unsettled. And really, really restless to get home and put all this behind her. Most of all, she just wanted to hug her kid. All the rest of it could wait until she was alone and could scream into her pillow. “I’ll be back in a sec.” Quinn moved off out of hearing distance, and Mabel looked down at the phone. Only then did she notice her hands were trembling. “I have to call her.” It was as if Mabel had to convince herself, but she looked up at Paul. “I don’t know what to tell her. How do I explain this without freaking her out?” “Maybe you don’t just yet. Give us a few minutes?” Paul asked Buck, who snapped his medical kit shut and hoisted himself into the ambulance. “I don’t need coddling,” Mabel said when he sat next to her. “You’re a stranger,” she insisted in an effort to explain these feelings to herself. A stranger who displayed such concern and affection for her, he made her feel as if they’d known each other forever. She didn’t want to feel comfortable with him. She didn’t want to want or need him. “I don’t need …” The warmth of his body surged against hers. When he raised his arm over her shoulders and drew her in, she stiffened. “I said I’m fine.” She squeezed her eyes shut as the soft fabric of his shirt caressed her face. Tears she’d been trying to hold onto escaped, and when she fisted her hands to make them stop, an involuntary whimper of pain escaped. “Humor me.” Still holding her close, Paul reached for her bandaged hand and turned it palm up. “How did this happen?” It felt good, letting go for a moment. Being held. Having someone to lean on. For however short a time, she surrendered to it. ![]()
GIVEAWAY! ![]() The Dasher
-- EXCERPT: I took a cigarette from my purse and stuck it between my lips, staring at the rain. The water hitting the asphalt was getting louder in my brain. Before I lit the cancer stick, I stepped out from under the overhang and into the downpour. This kind of rain wasn’t common in Southern California. I was compelled to embrace it every time it poured like this. I didn’t give a shit that my hair, makeup, and $700 Gucci sneakers would be ruined. Fat water drops hit the cigarette I had between my lips, reminding me it was there, and I lifted my hand with the lighter. “Good luck getting that lit,” I heard from behind me and spun to see Ben standing with his hands in the pockets of his baggy shorts—his chain wallet swinging, and his arm tattoos on full display. I wasn’t sure how long I stood there staring at him. In an act of defiance for him and mother nature, I flicked the metal of the lighter several times. Then threw the damn thing, followed by the cigarette. “Let me ask you something.” He had to shout over the rain, but his tone was calm. That pissed me off. I was standing in a rainstorm. Soaked from head to toe, I tried to light a cigarette. How in the fucking hell was I qualified to answer any question right now? I hadn’t even taken a breath yet. “Is it about the money? Or is it a fuck you to your old man to prove him wrong about you? Or to fix something that you think is broken?” he asked. I had to blink to keep the water from getting in my eyes that was now dripping from my forehead. “That’s three questions.” I shook my head. “Why are you even out here? What do you care about any of this? Who the fuck are you, Ben?” He stepped closer. “Now you asked me three questions.” God, he was impossible. What did he think would happen, some romance movie moment in the rain where I jumped into his arms, and we lived happily ever after getting matching tattoos and motorcycles? In my silence, he answered one of my questions: “I’m Billy-fucking-Joel.” My heart clenched then fell into my stomach. He knew. Of course, he knew what I’d thought last night when Jason described “Uptown Girl” as a man falling in love with a woman out of his world and how it had changed him. Was Ben in love with me? I didn’t expect him to change for 1. He shouldn’t even like me or, God forbid, love me. I wasn’t worthy. “I don’t need this shit right now,” I shouted at him. “Answer my question, Lisa.” I wiped the rain from my eyes. “Which one?” “Is it about the money?” “Yes, damnit, and my father and fixing broken things. It’s all of it.” “Lisa—” “No.” It was too much. I couldn’t keep this up. His questions, his mysterious look, the mere presence of him. My desire for him. My lust for him. My fear of him. My fear of him and me together. I wasn’t strong enough. I was too broken. “You have to stop. You want to fix me—” “No, I don’t. I like you like this.” “What? Having a breakdown, standing in the fucking rain? You like this? You’re a sick fucker.” He laughed. He fucking laughed at me. I was having a stage-three meltdown, and he was laughing. I threw my arms up and spun away from him. “You’re the only one who can fix you,” he hollered to my back. “All of the business stuff, though, you can figure that out. Just think about it. We all know you’ll make it work.” I turned back around. “Why? Why do you think I can? I can’t even figure out that a lighter doesn’t work in the damn rain.” He laughed again. “You are so fucking hot.” ![]()
February 2025